Hey friends and family! To keep you entertained, here is a "top ten" list for each of us. Without further ado:
"Dallis doesn't like to make decisions, here are the top 10 things she would rather make:"
1. A cake
2. A snowball
3. A child educated
4. Someone happy
5. A new friend
6. It rain
7. A good mother
8. Macaroni picture frames!
9. Everyone amazed that she and her sister Ashley deliberated for 15 minutes about which kind of half sausage was left on their plate after they had already avoided making a decision about which kind of sausage to eat by splitting two of them in half and sharing, which had been an earlier 15 minute discussion.
1o. Amends
"Top 10 reasons Alex was born in the 1950's"
1. He was part of Glen's Falls (named in TIME magazine as "Hometown USA") High School's homecoming court
2. Wore a varsity letter jacket in High School, unironically
3. Sang the national anthem at a local minor league baseball game
4. Uses the word "directionals"
5. Took his high school sweetheart to a drive-in movie theater
6. Uses a swiss army knife given to him by his father
7. Went to a Young Men's Christian Association summer camp for 10 summers
8. Makes apple pie from his Grandma's recipe
9. Used to meet his friends at the corner store to get ice cream
1o. Played concerts with his high school band in the town gazeebo on Sundays during the summer
"Top 10 (or more) reasons Sam is a hippie"
1. Once tried to get a certifiable hippie to put a hairwrap and bead on his rattail.
2. Once bartered a beer for a digital camera
3. Wants to "chia" our car
4. Wants to mural our car with pictures of hummingbirds and volcanoes
5. Lived in a tent and showered in a river with all purpose biodegradable soap for six months
6. Doesn't have a job and needs a haircut
7. When he does have a job, he trades work for food and accomodation early
8. Uses a rag that came free with shoe insoles as his towel
9. Has 6 handmaid bracelets, including one which is just a pink rag tied around his wrist
10. Favorite outfit is capri pants and crocs
11. Has had a large wart colony growing on his foot for over 5 years
12. Plays ultimate frisbee
13. Often in a floral skirt
14. Wears a homemade necklace
15. Bought shampoo twice in four years of college
16. Stores all of his clothing in trashbags
17. Eats food off of strangers' plates in restaurants after they leave
18. Doesn't think it's strange that he had a conversation with a naked hoola-hooper at Bonnaroo
19. Many other reasons...we ran out of time
"Top 10 reasons Chase is a model"
Pictures coming...check back soon